Shopping & Dining in the Heart of Downtown Winter Park
Join us at Devil’s Craft for a 7-hour live music extravaganza! You’ll get a Winter Park preview of Golden, CO’s incredible winter festival, UllrGrass. We’ll showcase three bands on the 2025 lineup, plus Uptown Toodeloo–a string band that combines the best of foot-stomping bluegrass music with the sounds, style, and songs of the good ole Grateful Dead.
Named one of the Top Ten Outdoor Festivals in Colorado by the Westword, UllrGrass features a diverse lineup of bluegrass, newgrass, funk and jamband artists. The 3-day festival (named for the Norse God of Winter – Ullr.
The Jan 11th pre-party at Devil’s Craft begins when the doors open at 5pm and will last til midnight (or later.) The following set times are approximate.
5pm-6:30 Coral Creek String Band
7pm-8:30 Magoo
9pm-1030 Uptown Toodeloo
11pm-1230am Easy Tiger
$13 pre-sale | $20 Door