Live Music at Devil’s Craft

Devil's Craft 37 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Andy Straus & Danjo Harris Andy Straus, talented singer/songwriter/musician and leader of the Colorado-based band Hunker Down is teaming up with banjo and mandolin master Danjo Harris for a rockin' performance rooted in bluegrass, folk, blues, and country music.

Live Music at Devil’s Craft

Devil's Craft 37 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Alex Johnstone & Aaron McCloskey Their talents and passion for bluegrass will be on full display when Alex Johnstone of Rapidgrass and Aaron McCloskey of Wood Belly team up on […]

Live Music at Devil’s Craft

Devil's Craft 37 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Tyler Grant National Flatpicking champion, leader of the band Grant Farm, and internationally recognized guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer Tyler Grant will grace the stage at Devil's Craft. What a […]

Celebration of Lights

Cooper Creek Square 47 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Grab the kids and head to Cooper Creek to celebrate the season with a visit from Santa, an Elf on the Shelf scavenger hunt, holiday music with local DJ and […]

Live Music at Devil’s Craft

Devil's Craft 37 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

The Johnny O. Band is a smokin' band out of Boulder, Colorado.  With funky grooves and high energy jams, their music is both captivating and danceable.  The band plays many […]

Story Time at Mountain Shire Books & Gifts

Mountain Shire: Books & Gifts 47 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Mark your calendars for story time with Colorado author Nicole Magistro and her beautiful new picture book, "Read Island." Books will be available for purchase and signing.

Live Music at Devil’s Craft

Devil's Craft 37 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Michael Yaussi and Andy Irvine Dinner jazz duo

Shop & Sip Holiday Open House

Cooper Creek Square 47 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

Experience holiday shopping at Cooper Creek Square.   Register to Win a $100 Cooper Creek Square Shopping or Dining gift certificate, while shopping for unique holiday gifts.  Grab a beverage from your […]

Storytime @ Mountainshire Books & Gifts

Mountain Shire: Books & Gifts 47 Cooper Creek Way, Winter Park, CO, United States

  Bring the kiddos over to Mountainshire Books & Gifts for a special holiday story time during the Holiday Open House at Cooper Creek Square.